Arkansas Black

The Ark Black is as TALL as the corn!

Arkansas Black Apple not ripe.jpg

We’ve Got 1 Apple on the Tree!

This apple will turn a deep purple, almost black when it’s fully ripe.


A personal favourite of the Campbells, the Ark Black is an apple we had occasionally found in older IL orchards. Having enjoyed them for years, we knew we had to include one in our own orchard. In our opinion, one of the prettiest apple trees, this heirloom apple, dating from 1870 near Bentonville, AR, is most likely a Winesap seedling. The apples, as expected, are plum-coloured, almost black. A medium-sized very hard late season variety, it is a great dessert and pie apple, good in cider as well. The green-yellow flesh is very crisp and its’ flavour improves with storage as its’ flesh turns a creamy yellow-orange. The Arkansas Black is still a popular apple found especially in Arkansas and the Ozarks. 

"U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705"

We picked it tonight (11/4/21)


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